This repository contains labs for the Azure Hands-On Session.


What You'll Learn

Clone Repo to Azure Cloud shell

Login to Azure Portal with your designated email.

Click on Cloud Shell icon on the top navigation bar.


Make sure that you have selected PowerShell in the left drop-down within Cloud shell.


Within the Cloudshell terminal, type in the below.

git clone
cd AzureWebService/weather-service

The above command will download the git from the repo into your Cloud bastion host. This is setup based on your Storage Account location.

Deploy Weather Service WebApp

Negative :Depending on your cloud shell location, you may change the $location value within the publish.p1 to fit your region. Full list of regions are here

$location="Australia East"

Replace the firstname-lastname from the below command and adapt that to your own.

./publish.ps1 firstname-lastname-dynatrace firstname-lastname-weather-service


./publish.ps1 brandon-neo-dynatrace brandon-neo-weather-service

Enter Y when prompted to deploy the content of the Weather Service app (AzureWebService/weather-service/


Verify Resource Group creation

Now that your app has been deployed, verify that the resource group has been deployed as well.


Append /weather/current/Linz to your URL from your firstname-lastname-weather-service App Service


You should get a page reflecting JSON results.


Deploy Weather Express WebApp

Navigate to weather-express folder with cd ../weather-express command

$location="Australia East"

Replace the firstname-lastname from the below command and adapt that to your own.

./publish.ps1 firstname-lastname-dynatrace firstname-lastname-weather-express


./publish.ps1 brandon-neo-dynatrace brandon-neo-weather-express

Enter Y when prompted to deploy the content of the Weather Service app (AzureWebService/weather-service/

Verify Resource Group creation

Similar to the Weather Service App verfication, check on the Weather Express App App Service URL. Is it working?


Within the Weather Express App Service, go to the Advanced Tools under Deployment Tools.

Within the Kudu page, dropdown Debug Console to CMD and go to site/LogFiles/Application

Edit logging-errors.txt and you can find the error message with the problem


Resolution and Verification

Go to App Service Editor (Preview) and under WWWROOT/config/main.js, resolve the following based on the GIF


Once you have resolved the issue, you should be able to access your Weather Express Portal

Leveraging Site Extensions

Deployment the OneAgents cross both Weather Express App and Weather Service Apps


Full Documentation here

Creating Function App

Create a Azure App based on the following:


Adding A Function

Create a Azure Function based on the following:


Leveraging Site Extensions

Deploy and instrument the Function App with Site Extension


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How to deploy Azure Web Apps How to instrument Web Apps How to Debug instrumenting Web Apps How to deploy and instrument Azure Function