This repository contains the hands on for the Day 2 Operations - Cloud Native Observability Workshop.


Lab Setup

The following steps are used for this lab:

Login to the bastion host using the username / password provided.

Install CLI

Download and install the CLI:

curl -sL | bash

Authenticate with Dynatrace Cloud Automation

Copy the keptn auth command from the Cloud Automation UI (top right of screen)


[xxx@ip-172-31-28-139 ~]$ keptn auth --endpoint= --api-token=<token>
Warning: could not parse KUBECONFIG file: Cannot find file /home/harhiy/.kube/config
Hint: If you don't have a 'kubeconfig' file, you can disable this check via 'keptn set config KubeContextCheck false'
* Warning: Your Keptn CLI version (0.8.7) and Keptn cluster version (0.8.6) don't match. This can lead to problems. Please make sure to use the same versions.
Starting to authenticate
Successfully authenticated against the Keptn cluster
Using a file-based storage for the key because the password-store seems to be not set up.

Test it is working by calling keptn get projects

[xx@ip-172-31-28-139 ~]$ keptn get projects
Warning: could not parse KUBECONFIG file: Cannot find file /home/harhiy/.kube/config
Hint: If you don't have a 'kubeconfig' file, you can disable this check via 'keptn set config KubeContextCheck false'
* Warning: Your Keptn CLI version (0.8.7) and Keptn cluster version (0.8.6) don't match. This can lead to problems. Please make sure to use the same versions.
delivery-demo   2021-08-05T07:31:03Z
dynatrace       2021-08-05T06:09:24Z


Disable kubeContextCheck and AutomaticVersionCheck

keptn set config kubeContextCheck false
keptn set config AutomaticVersionCheck false

In this exercise, we'll create a service for a basic quality gate.

Add Tags

Pick your tnt-XXXXXX-svc-*.delivery-demo-production service (production)



Wait 1 min for your service to appear in the Dynatrace project


Trigger evaluation via command line

keptn trigger evaluation --project=dynatrace --stage=quality-gate --service=YOUR_SERVICE_NAME --timeframe=30m --labels=buildId=1,executedBy=manual


[ec2-user@ip-172-31-18-234 keptn-on-k3s]$ keptn trigger evaluation --project=dynatrace --stage=quality-gate --service=kevin-leng --timeframe=30m --labels=buildId=1,executedBy=manual
Warning: could not parse KUBECONFIG file: Cannot find file /home/ec2-user/.kube/config
Hint: If you don't have a 'kubeconfig' file, you can disable this check via 'keptn set config KubeContextCheck false'
* Warning: Your Keptn CLI version (0.8.7) and Keptn cluster version (0.8.6) don't match. This can lead to problems. Please make sure to use the same versions.
Starting to trigger evaluation of the service kevin-leng in project dynatrace
ID of Keptn context: 2e7e14d1-f8b5-436c-9638-c51a77dd41ff


Trigger evaluation again but this time use buildId=2

keptn trigger evaluation --project=dynatrace --stage=quality-gate --service=YOUR_SERVICE_NAME --timeframe=30m --labels=buildId=2,executedBy=manual

Trigger evaluation via API


    "labels": {
      "executedBy": "api",
      "buildId": "3"
    "timeframe": "30m"

Then click Execute


Automation Events also available in Dynatrace

Events sent to the Dynatrace monitored service based on the two tags

View the events against your service in Dynatrace.


First explore upstream git repo


Modify SLO

Find your service (tenant) under the quality-gates branch and modify the default SLO.yaml

Git User: keptn

Git Password: keptn#R0cks

Modify the SLO are per the following image:


If you need the full completed yaml:

spec_version: "1.0"
  aggregate_function: "avg"
  compare_with: "single_result"
  include_result_with_score: "pass"
  number_of_comparison_results: 1
  - sli: "response_time_p95"
    key_sli: false
      - criteria:
          - "<500"    
      - criteria:
          - "<=1000"
    weight: 1
  - sli: "error_rate"
    key_sli: true
      - criteria:
          - "<5"
  - sli: throughput
      - criteria:
          - ">10"
  - sli: "response_time_p50"
  - sli: "response_time_p90"
  pass: "90%"
  warning: "50%"

Modify SLI

Find your service (tenant) under the quality-gates branch and view the default SLI.yaml No changes are required for this exercise.

Trigger evaluation

Use the API or command line to trigger an evaluation - use buildId 4


keptn trigger evaluation --project=dynatrace --stage=quality-gate --service=tnt-xxxx-svc --timeframe=30m --labels=buildId=4,executedBy=manual

View the resulting evaluation in the Cloud Automation UI:


Create new project

Let‘s create a new dbqg-xxx (short for dashboard quality gate for xxxx) service in our dynatrace project with the CLI

where xxx is your "tenant"

keptn create service dbqg-xxxx --project=dynatrace

Create a dashboard for that service

CLONE the existing dashboard KQG;project=dynatrace;service=dbqg-xxxx;stage=quality-gate

Change the name format to reflect your service name

Trigger evaluation

keptn trigger evaluation --project=dynatrace --stage=quality-gate --service=dbqg-xxx --timeframe=30m

Now we'll add new metrics to our dashboard and hand them reflected in the Quality Gate

Add a new Chart Tile

Add a new chart tile to the dashboard:

Then trigger an evaluation again...

keptn trigger evaluation --project=dynatrace --stage=quality-gate --service=dbqg-xxx --timeframe=30m

You should see a new metric (service_cpu) being evaluated in the SLO

Add a new Top List tile

Add a new Top List tile to your dashboard

Then trigger an evaluation again...

keptn trigger evaluation --project=dynatrace --stage=quality-gate --service=dbqg-xxx --timeframe=30m

You should see a new metrics (servicert) being evaluated in the SLO

Trigger each release in turn for your service

Release 2

keptn trigger delivery --project=delivery-demo --service=tnt-xxxxxx-svc --image=grabnerandi/simplenodeservice:2.0.0

Release 2 should fail and won't be promoted to production!


Release 3

keptn trigger delivery --project=delivery-demo --service=tnt-xxxxxx-svc --image=grabnerandi/simplenodeservice:3.0.0

Release 3 should be accepted by the quality gate and make it into production!


Release 4

Trigger direct deployment to production

keptn trigger delivery --project=delivery-demo --stage=production --service=tnt-xxxxxx-svc --image=grabnerandi/simplenodeservice:4.0.0


We hope you enjoyed this lab and found it useful. We would love your feedback!

How was your overall experience with this lab?

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

What did you benefit most from this lab?

Deploy OneAgent to a Kubernetes GitOps / Monitoring as code approach Service Level Objectives Releases

How likely are you to recommend this lab to a friend or colleague?

Very Likely Moderately Likely Neither Likely nor unlikely Moderately Unlikely Very Unlikely