This microlab contains the simple steps required to get started with Dynatrace.

What You'll Learn

To create an account


THAT'S IT! You're done! You should be directed to your own Dynatrace SaaS tenant page (eg.

Download the OneAgent

Follow these steps below to install Dynatrace OneAgent on a host.

Once done, the installer will tell you that Dynatrace OneAgent has successfully connected to a Dynatrace cluster node and display a congratulations message.

Validate the installation in Deployment status

Click on Deployment status in the left navigation to check the status of the connected host.

You should be able to see a connected host as per the image below.


Dynatrace will automatically discover the processes and dependencies of your application. You will be able to explore various functionalities within Dynatrace like:

Example of a populated Smartscape


5-min Get Started Overview

Watch this short, 5 minute overview demo to see how Dynatrace can be your single source of truth with AI intelligence that can tell you what you need to focus on so you can spend more time innovating and less time trouble shooting.

Dynatrace Davis

All these are analyzed through Dynatrace DAVIS, our AI Engine that uses deterministic AI to performs an automatic fault-tree analysis. This is not just correlation but causation of problems.

To learn more, use the Interactive Demos to find out about why Dynatrace is unique

You can now also access your home dashboard. However to obtain greater observability, some additional post-deployment steps are required. These steps could be found in our documentation page

Deploy to other hosts

You can see how easy it is to deploy Dynatrace to one host and immediately start monitoring it. But that was just a taste of what Dynatrace can do for you.

Advanced Use Cases

Dynatrace is an all-in-one platform that's purpose-built for a wide range of use cases.


Infrastructure Monitoring

Applications and Microservices

Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

Digital Business Analytics

Cloud Automation

The above use cases are setup as labs which you can run through:

These are also conducted virtually as Hands-On Workshops.

Addtional Resources