This repository contains labs for the Hands-On Kubernetes Session. We will be using Kubernetes instance running in AWS for this hands-on but this will work on other platforms as well.

For the purposes of the Hands-On, we will automate and make the steps seamless for the participants


What You'll Learn

In this exercise, we will deploy the OneAgent to a Linux instance running Kubernetes(Microk8s) and let the OneAgent discover what is running in that instance.

Using Terminal via Web Browser

To faciliate the labs, we will access the Linux instance via terminal through a web browser.

Use the URL was provided in your email to access the browser-based terminal. Please follow the instructions in your email.

If you are still not able to use the web browser, you can download any SSH client like PuTTy or MobaXterm and access the session via the SSH client.

Use the login name and password as provided in your email. It works for any method of access.

Download the OneAgent

Open your browser and access the Dynatrace URL.

Follow these steps below:


Within the Monitor Kubernetes / Openshift page, follow these steps below:


Validate the installation in Deployment status

Click on Show deployment status to check the status of the connected host.

You should be able to see a connected host as per the image below.


⚠️ Troubleshooting steps

If everything is working, you will see the host appearing when you click on Show Deployment status

Restart Sockshop Sample App

You can see the various processes automatically detected but Dynatrace prompts you to restart them. This is required for us to automatically instrument them without code changes.

Run the below command to cycle through your services for Dev and Production.

kubectl delete pods --all -n dev
kubectl delete pods --all -n production

Configuring Kubernetes integration

In Dynatrace, open the Dynatrace menu on the left hand side of the screen, you can search for kubernetes and select Kubernetes under the Infrastructure menu.

Click on ... beside the k8s cluster that you named to bring up the context menu.


Once you open up the context menu, click on Settings


Follow the configuration steps below:


Applications often use 3rd-party technologies, such as Nginx, Redis, RabbitMQ, MySQL and MongoDB, for which additional insights in terms of metrics are required.

Dynatrace provides you the ability to ingest those same Prometheus format metrics, bringing them in the larger context of the microservices and pods, and allowing for enhanced alerting with auto-adaptive baselining of these metrics.

And even better, Dynatrace will scrape the metrics at the source, so you don't even need a Prometheus server.

Prometheus scraping

Annotate Prometheus exporter pods

Back in the shell terminal, run the follow command to annotate the pods for Prometheus scraping

The command will annotate Prometheus metrics for pods within Production namespace

kubectl annotate po -n production --all --overwrite
kubectl annotate po -n production --all --overwrite

Explore the metrics

You will have to wait one or two minutes and then, in the Dynatrace UI:

Metrics browser

Metrics browser

You can now easily chart these metrics and also create dashboards. We will provide a sample dashboard later in the hands on for your reference.

In addition, you can also create an alert based on the metrics.

How to get custom alerts based on the metrics?

Now you have access to Prometheus metrics in Dynatrace, even though they come from a 3rd party, those metrics are now first class citizens in Dynatrace.

We have already seen that you can visualize those metrics in charts and dashboards all the same as Dynatrace-native metrics.

But, of course, you don't want to spend your days looking at dashboards. What you want is to be notified if there's an anomaly related to the metrics you are capturing.

You can define a custom Anomaly Detection rule for your metric.

Please give this a try if you have time after the session.

With the Sockshop app restarted, you should be able to see services in Dynatrace.

Referring to ~/sockshop/manifests/sockshop-app/production/front-end.yml, we will want to setup Dynatrace to automatically pick up the annotations and labels.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  creationTimestamp: null
    app: front-end.stable
    product: sockshop
    release: stable
    stage: prod
    tier: frontend
    version: "1.4"
  name: front-end.stable
  namespace: production
  replicas: 1
      app: front-end.stable
      product: sockshop
      release: stable
      stage: prod
      tier: frontend
      version: "1.4"
      maxSurge: 1
      maxUnavailable: 1
    type: RollingUpdate
        pipeline.project: sockshop
        pipeline.stage: prod-stable "false" '#support-sockshop-frontend'
      labels: front-end "1.4" sockshop
        app: front-end.stable
        product: sockshop
        release: stable
        stage: prod
        tier: frontend
        version: "1.4"

Viewership role for service accounts

The OneAgent will use a pod service account to query for its metadata via the Kubernetes REST API. The service accounts must be granted viewer role in order to have access In the CLI, execute the following command for the production project

kubectl create rolebinding serviceaccounts-view --clusterrole=view --group=system:serviceaccounts:production --namespace=production

You can repeat the procedure for the dev project

kubectl create rolebinding serviceaccounts-view --clusterrole=view --group=system:serviceaccounts:dev --namespace=dev

Wait for the Dynatrace to pickup the change.


Once working, you can validate the change in Dynatrace


Adding Environment variables

In shell terminal, add some Environment Variables with the following command

nano ~/sockshop/manifests/sockshop-app/production/front-end.yml

Make sure that the indentation is correct and that they aren't any error promptings

        - name: DT_TAGS
          value: "product=sockshop"
        - name: DT_CUSTOM_PROP
          value: "SERVICE_TYPE=FRONTEND"


Save the amended file with Ctrl-X, followed by Y and Enter and run the below command to re-apply the change.

kubectl apply -f ~/sockshop/manifests/sockshop-app/production/front-end.yml
wget -O- | bash


Once working, you can validate the change in Dynatrace


Process Group Naming Rules

Go to Settings -> Processes and containers -> Process group naming and click Add a new rule

Provide a name to the rule, for example : Kubernetes Project.Namespace.Container

Enter this format : k8s-{ProcessGroup:Kubernetes:pipeline.project}.{ProcessGroup:KubernetesNamespace}.{ProcessGroup:KubernetesContainerName}

In the conditions drop-down, select the property Kubernetes namespace and the condition exists


Click on Preview to view the matching entities


Click on Create Rule and Save Changes in the pop-up.


Once working, you can validate the change in Dynatrace


Service Naming Rules

Go in Settings -> Server-side service monitoring -> Service naming rules and click Add a new rule

Provide a name to the rule, for example : Kubernetes Project.Namespace.Container

Enter this format : {Service:DetectedName}.{ProcessGroup:KubernetesNamespace}

In the conditions drop-down, select the property Kubernetes namespace and the condition exists


Click on Preview to view the matching entities


Click on Create Rule and Save Changes in the pop-up.


Once working, you can validate the change in Dynatrace


In this exercise, we will automate configuration of Dynatrace environment.

Using Dynatrace Monitoring as Code (Monaco), you can automate the configuration of all global Dynatrace environments without human intervention. Various use cases include:

To faciliate the session, you can run the monaco code with the below:

cd sockshop

After setting it up, configure the DT_TENANT and DT_API_TOKEN and DT_DASHBOARD_OWNER variables. These can be found within the lab registration email.

export DT_TENANT=<replace with the information given to you in the email>
export DT_API_TOKEN=<replace with the information given to you in the email>
export DT_DASHBOARD_OWNER=<replace with the information given to you in the email>

After setting up, run the following command to configure Dynatrace:


Below are the configurations done:

Explore the various preset dashboards and some customized dashboards.

On the Dynatrace menu, filter for Dashboards and explore any of the preset kubernetes dashboards. We have also created a custom dashboard named Prometheus ovewview

Kubernetes Cluster Overview

See the Kubernetes cluster utilization. CPU and Memory Request and limits over time for all nodes and splitted by namespaces. You could also use the filter bar to filter the dashboard.


Kubernetes Workload Overview

Get an overview and understanding of the Kubernetes workload assigned to your namespaces and its usage. You could also use the filter bar to filter the dashboard.


Prometheus Overview

Get an overview of the metrics collected by Prometheus within a Prometheus dashboard generated by Monaco in the earlier step.


Explore the various functionalities within the Kubernetes View such as Cluster Utilization, Cluster Workloads, K8S Events

On the Dynatrace menu, filter for Kubernetes and select the kubernetes cluster that you named. These are built-in analysis and explorative views starting from the Kubernetes cluster and drilling down all the way into the pods.


Analyze the Kubernetes Cluster utilization


Analyze the Kubernetes Cluster Workloads


Analyze the Kubernetes Events


Explore Kubernetes Workloads by clicking onto them


Explore Kubernetes Namespaces and their workloads


Managing your workload resource usage

Although Kubernetes platform is built on a number of virtualization and abstraction layers, you still need to be conscious of the resources that your workload is using.

This is because Kubernetes is usually designed as a platform running on shared infrastructure, so how much resources you use might affect the other applications running on the same cluster.


  cd sockshop

Keep an eye on your Dynatrace console... you never know what could happen.

At some point, both the apps team and the k8s infra teams received an alert from Dynatrace. Let's take a look at it.


The container from the new cart service pod has been OOMKilled. This means its memory usage went above its configured limit. The thing is, before today, you never had any OOMKilled problems.

Click on the container to drill-down the the Containers view.


In the Containers view, you will have all the necessary metrics and data points to have a clear picture on how resources are consumed


So it has something to do with the new build. Either:

  1. The memory limit for the container was set wrongly, or
  2. The new build has a memory leak, which over time makes it consume memory above the limit.
    • If that is the case, whatever the increase in memory limit, it will eventually be breached. You would just be buying time, the code itself needs to be fixed.
    • Test under different conditions and monitor the Java memory metrics (in the Process view). Dynatrace will provide you all the metrics you need. Make code corrections and test again. Wash-rinse-repeat.


The dev team quickly found the issue and provided a fix. It is related to a configuration issue - The memory limit for the container was set wrongly.

In the terminal execute to apply the fix:

kubectl apply -f ~/sockshop/manifests/sockshop-app/newbuilds/newbuild-quota-fix.yml

Lesson learned

Also, the k8s infra ops team will always give you only the amount of resources you need. It is their responsiblity to make sure the platform stays healthy for everyone using it. So in the case you need more resources, you have to enter into a negotiation with the platform team. And as with any negotiation, it's always better if you come at the table with as much information you can get.

And you can count on Dynatrace for that!

We hope you enjoyed this lab and found it useful. We would love your feedback!

How was your overall experience with this lab?

Excellent Good Average Fair Poor

What did you benefit most from this lab?

Using OneAgent Operator to deploy in Kubernetes Setting up Kubernetes integation Process Group Naming & Service Naming for Kubernetes Understanding Kubernetes within Dynatrace

How likely are you to recommend this lab to a friend or colleague?

Very Likely Moderately Likely Neither Likely nor unlikely Moderately Unlikely Very Unlikely