This repository contains the hands on session for Log Monitoring 2.0


Lab Setup

The following steps are used for this lab:

What You'll Learn

In this exercise, we will deploy the OneAgent to a Linux instance running Kubernetes(Microk8s) and let the OneAgent discover what is running in that instance.

Using Terminal via Web Browser

To faciliate the labs, we will access the Linux instance via terminal through a web browser.

Use the URL was provided in your email to access the SSH terminal. Make sure the URL looks like Public IP Address/wetty

Use the login name and password as provided in your email.


Download the OneAgent

Open your browser and access the Dynatrace URL.

Follow these steps below:


Within the Monitor Kubernetes / Openshift page, follow these steps below:



Connecting to (||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 7310 (7.1K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘'                      100%[=====================================================>]   7.14K  --.-KB/s    in 0s      

2021-06-01 05:46:36 (40.7 MB/s) - ‘' saved [7310/7310]

Check for token scopes...

Check if cluster already exists...

Creating Dynatrace namespace...

Applying Dynatrace Operator...
Warning: CustomResourceDefinition is deprecated in v1.16+, unavailable in v1.22+; use CustomResourceDefinition created
serviceaccount/dynatrace-dynakube-oneagent created
serviceaccount/dynatrace-dynakube-oneagent-unprivileged created
serviceaccount/dynatrace-kubernetes-monitoring created
serviceaccount/dynatrace-operator created
serviceaccount/dynatrace-routing created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/dynatrace-dynakube-oneagent created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/dynatrace-dynakube-oneagent-unprivileged created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/dynatrace-kubernetes-monitoring created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/dynatrace-operator created
podsecuritypolicy.policy/dynatrace-routing created created created created created created created created created created created created created created created
deployment.apps/dynatrace-operator created
W0601 05:46:39.025776   29593 helpers.go:553] --dry-run is deprecated and can be replaced with --dry-run=client.
secret/dynakube configured

Applying DynaKube CustomResource... created

Adding cluster to Dynatrace...
Kubernetes monitoring successfully setup.

Validate the installation in Deployment status

Click on Show deployment status to check the status of the connected host.

You should be able to see a connected host as per the image below.


Restart Sockshop application

To restart the sample app Sockshop execute the following command:

kubectl delete po --all -n production

Accessing the production Sockshop Application

Within Dynatrace, follow the steps below to get Sockshop URL:

To run the Wordsmith app, based on traditional Docker containers, first clone the github repo

$ git clone
$ cd k8s-wordsmith-demo

Method 1 - Duplicate terminals

This will take about 5 mins to build the image and run the docker image. Ensure that you have 2 terminal tabs and in one of the terminals, execute the following:

$ cd k8s-wordsmith-demo
$ docker-compose up
db_1     | PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.
db_1     |
db_1     | 2021-06-19 06:15:18.953 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
db_1     | 2021-06-19 06:15:18.953 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
db_1     | 2021-06-19 06:15:18.957 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
db_1     | 2021-06-19 06:15:18.987 UTC [48] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-06-19 06:15:18 UTC
db_1     | 2021-06-19 06:15:19.007 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections

Note: You will not be able to access the command prompt.

Method 2 - Using nohup

This will take about 5 mins to build the image and run the docker image. In one of the terminals, execute the following:

$ cd k8s-wordsmith-demo
$ nohup docker-compose up &
[1] 9667
$ nohup: ignoring input and appending output to 'nohup.out'

The nohup command will return the command prompt to you. If you tail the nohup.out file, you will be able to see the progress of the output.

Accessing the application

Open up another browser tab, access the following URL: http://Public IP Address:8082. You should see a page similar to the image below


Initial configuration - selection of log sources

  1. Go to Settings > Log Monitoring > Log sources and storageDeploy
  2. Choose either the Host prespective or Process groups perspective. For this exercise, please select the EC2 instance under Host prespective.

Explore the New Log Viewer

Notice how Docker Logs are automatically generated for Log Mononitoring 2.0

You can use the facets or top filter bar to look for log_analytics_special_file_header to identify the automatic detected Docker Logs.

The log events are fed in with context to the entities that they are related to them.

As you refresh the browser page for the WordSmith app, go back to the console and observe the output. Notice how the output reflects what is seen in the Dynatrace Log viewer.

web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /noun 1 available ips: []
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /noun I choose
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /noun Calling
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /adjective 1 available ips: []
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /adjective I choose
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /adjective Calling
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /verb 1 available ips: []
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /verb I choose
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /verb Calling
words_1  | {"word":"the røtten"}
words_1  | {"word":"fjørd"}
words_1  | {"word":"will ship"}
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /adjective 1 available ips: []
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /adjective I choose
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /adjective Calling
words_1  | {"word":"the røtten"}
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /noun 1 available ips: []
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /noun I choose
web_1    | 2021/06/19 06:18:06 /noun Calling
words_1  | {"word":"fjørd"}

Dynatrace's new Log monitoring allows easy to use generic log ingestion. Using plugins such as FluentD, we can easily ingest log streams into Dynatrace.

We will be using the FluentD plugin found here

Setting up Active Gate

With generic ingestion, you'll need to rely on an Activgate. Follow the documentation instructions) to install the Active Gate software in your current EC2 instance.

Because we are installing Activegate on an AWS instance, we'll need to change it to use a public facing domain name.

dnsEntryPoint = https://PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME:9999

Setting up FluentD

We will easy FluentD with following their official instructions

  1. Run the following command:
   $ curl -L | sh
  1. Next refering to the Dynatrace's Opensource Repo, we can install the plugin with the command
   $ sudo td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-dynatrace

Ingesting logs via commandline

With the plugin and you simplify integrations to Dynatrace. But you might still need to transform logs into a format readable by Dynatrace.

We will use our documentation page to apply necessary transformation.

  1. Create or reuse a Dynatarace API token.
  2. Ensure that the token has the necessary scope. If you are not sure, you can refer to the online documentation.
  3. Edit the config file with this command
   $ sudo nano /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf
  1. Use the code below to output of system.loadavg to Dynatrace. We will also run that at an interval of 1m while adding adding additional parameters such as dt.process.commandline and status
     @type exec
     tag system.loadavg
     command printf 'd system.loadavg ' | cat - /proc/loadavg | cut -d ' ' -f 1,2,3,4,5
     run_interval 1m
       @type tsv
       keys status,dt.process.commandline,avg1,avg5,avg15
       delimiter " "
   <match **>
      @type dynatrace
      active_gate_url https://<PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME>:9999/e/<TENANT_ID>/api/v2/logs/ingest
      api_token <TOKEN_NAME>
      ssl_verify_none    true
       flush_thread_count 1
       chunk_limit_size 1048576
  1. Within the Log Viewer, you can also toggle on Advanced query and use this query status="info" AND loglevel="DEBUG" to filter down the data stream


Create a log metric based on the data ingested by Dynatrace thus far.

  1. From the log viewer, apply the content filter and enter the text server (press the enter key)
  2. Notice how the left hand selection boxes change according to the what you can further filter for. We will be using these as dimensions for the metric
  3. Click Create metric
  4. Specify a key: log.myword
  5. Click on Add dimension and select the following:
    • status
    • log.source
  6. Save your changes
  7. Click on Metrics on the left navigation panel
  8. Search for Text:log to locate the log metric
  9. Click on create chart
  10. You can spilt Log metrics with various dimensions attached to it

Next, we will try to ingest logs from Cloud vendors such as AWS. We will use the AWS Log Forwarder from here


Deploying the Infrastructure

We will need to setup the AWS Infrastructure setup via running a Cloudformation script.

Follow the steps to do that

  1. Login to the AWS Portal


  1. Choose the right role with the appropriate permissions
  2. In the AWS portal, Search bar at the top, search for CloudWatch and click on Logs > Log groups


  1. Take note of the region (e.g. Virgina, Sydney etc.) that you are in. Not all regions can access the CloudWatch Log groups. Choose a region that you are able to see the Log groups page.
  2. Ensure that you are in the the right region and click on the AWS CloudShell icon on top right area, next to the alarm icon
  3. Amend the Placeholder values such as PUBLIC_DOMAIN_NAME and TENANT_ID and TOKEN_NAME in the script below
  1. Run this script to download the script from the repo and to deploy the infrastructure. Copy and paste the command below AWS CloudShell:
   wget -O && unzip -qo && ./ deploy --target-url $TARGET_URL --target-api-token $TARGET_API_TOKEN --require-valid-certificate $REQUIRE_VALID_CERTIFICATE


Creating Demo Lamda Function

For the purpose of sending Cloudwatch, we will create a new Lambda function.

  1. Duplicate the tab and search for Lambda within the AWS Search Bar and go to Lambda
  2. Click on Create Function
  3. Use default option of Author from scratch
  4. Give a Function name firstname.lastname
  5. Click on Create Function

Subscribing to the Cloudwatch Logs

  1. Back within the AWS Cloudshell, run the following command: ./ discover-log-groups > LOG_GROUPS_FILE
  2. You see the discovered log groups with more LOG_GROUPS_FILE
  3. To subscribe, use the command below: ./ subscribe --log-groups-from-file LOG_GROUPS_FILE

View Cloudwatch logs in Dynatrace

Back in Dynatrace, go to the new Log Viewer to see the new Log events from Cloudwatch logs


[Optional] Instrumenting the Lambda function with Dynatrace

We can also instrument this function with Dynatrace as a Lambda extension

  1. Using Configure with JSON file, configure the function wtih Dynatrace instrumentation
    • Add environment variable to the function
    • Add dtconfig.json with code snippet to the root folder
    • Add Lambda layer ARN
  2. Once configured, click on Deploy* and Test

[Optional] Creating metrics based on the AWS ingested data

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How to use the new Log Viewer Ingest Logs via FluentD Cloud Forwarder ingestion with AWS Log Forwarder Using Log Metrics

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