Get more insights from logs

Logs as pillars of observability (together with Metrics and Traces) can provide answers to what is really happening in your infrastructure, software, and environment. Not only simple application troubleshooting.

Today, logs can contain simple contextual information like timestamps or log level but also business contexts like shopping cart value or PII of a user who triggered a transaction. Additionally, Dynatrace adds context by connecting logs to monitored entities, traces, and user sessions to provide an e2e view and enable Davis AI.

In order to start log analysis, we first need to ingest and process data. Enterprises generate hundreds of TB of log data every data. It is important to not only bring the logs to Dynatrace but also ensure configuration at scale and privacy compliance - as the starting point.

Once data is on the platform you'll see many different log formats from log4j to JSON. To add meaning to raw data we must extract attributes to cover customers' use cases like filtering, dashboarding, anomaly detection, automation, and more...

Today, you will learn how to:


Every exercise that you do today will work on both Dynatrace Managed with Log Monitoring v2 AND Dynatrace SaaS with Log powered by Grail.

Reference materials

In the first steps of this lab you will learn how to configure log storage, filter data, and mask sensitive data.

The goal of those actions is to send logs to Dynatrace cluster in a way that gives you flexibility in log source selection. Filtering and sensitive data masking features lets you perform the transformation and more granular selection of logs before sending them to the Dynatrace cluster.

OneAgent log storage configuration

All tasks, that you'll be working on within the first part of this workshop will result in defining configurations that are stored on the Dynatrace cluster and then automatically sent to OneAgents. OneAgnets perform logs acquisition of autodetected logs and transformations on them before sending data to the Dynatrace cluster.

Settings 2.0 frameworks implementation

Log storage, data filtering configuration, and sensitive data masking are built on the basis of the Settings 2.0 framework. As a result, you'll be able to define a set of rules in three hierarchy scopes:

The following image illustrates rule processing priority.

Log storage rule priority

Rules are executed in the order in which they're listed, from top to bottom. Order is critical because a preceding rule may impact the log configuration that a subsequent rule uses in its definition. This means that if a mechanism discovers a rule that has matched a given log line it stops iterating the next rules.

In this lab, we will enable new Log storage and data filtering configuration.

Log storage configuration is a mechanism that lets you define which auto-detected by OneAgent log sources will be collected by Dynatrace.

Version requirements:

Enable new Log storage and data filtering

  1. In the Dynatrace menu go to Settings > Log Monitoring > Log sources and storage
  2. Expand the teaser at the top of the page by clicking Learn more and updateEnable new Log storage
  3. Check if all conditions are met

Prerequisites met: Enable new Log storage

Prerequisites not met:

In case prerequisites are not met, you'll get an appropriate message with the reasons explained. You would still be able to update the configuration. It would be useful if the customer is aware of the consequences and still wants to use new configurations. For example, if a small number of OneAgents with older versions run in testing environments. Enable new Log storage

  1. Click Update configuration at the bottom of the teaser
  2. At this point you should be able to see the new Log storage configuration screen.

Enable new Log storage


If log storage rules would have been defined before updating configuration they will be converted.

In this lab, we will be configuring log storage of auto-detected Kubernetes logs.

At this point, no logs are collected. Log viewer shows an empty list. You can check this by navigating from the Dynatrace menu to Observe and explore > Logs

Creating rules for k8s deployments

Let's work on the use case where we want to include logs for chosen k8s deployments from the online shop and we want to exclude logs generated by health service.

In the Dynatrace menu go to Settings > Log Monitoring > Log sources and storage to view log storage rules that are in effect. If you work in a freshly created environment list of rules is empty. You may also need to enable the new log storage configuration first. You can reorder the existing rules, and create new rules here.

Let's upload logs for k8s frontend-* and paymentservice-* deployments.

ws-demo-deployment-form-filled.png You need to submit matcher configurations with Add matcher before saving changes to the rule with Save changes button.

Configure k8s deployment ‘frontend-*' and ‘paymentservice-*' logs acquisition at the environment scope

  1. In the Dynatrace menu, go to Settings > Log Monitoring > Log storage configuration and click on Add rule button
  2. Fill out the form
    • Insert name
    • Select rule type Include in storage
    • Click Add matcher
      • From the Matcher attribute dropdown select K8s deployment name
      • Copy frontend-* and paste in Value field and click on the "drop down" to select it
      • Copy paymentservice-* and paste in Value field and click on the "drop down" to select it
      • Confirm inserted value and click Add matcher
  3. Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen

Configure log storage rule at environment scope


Excluding logs with log storage configuration rule

Now, we want to exclude health logs on environment scope (e.g. because of cost control reasons). Please note that this time we choose Exclude from storage rule type.

You need to submit matcher configurations with Add matcher before saving changes to the rule.

  1. In the Dynatrace menu, go to Settings > Log Monitoring > Log storage configuration and click on Add rule button
  2. Fill out the form
    • Insert name
    • Select rule type Exclude from storage
    • Click Add matcher
      • From the Matcher attribute dropdown select Log content
      • Type in *_healthz* in Value field (* - asterisk is used as a wildcard)
      • Confirm inserted value and click Add matcher
  3. Click Save changes at the bottom of the screen


Make sure that ‘Exclude from storage' rule type is first on the list.

Rules that have a higher position on the list take precedence over those placed in the following positions. This means that if a mechanism discovers a rule that has matched a given log line it stops iterating the next rules. For this reason, excluded from storage rule type in our example needs to be first on our list.

Rules that have a higher position on the list take precedence over those placed in the following positions. This means that if a mechanism discovers a rule that has matched a given log line it stops iterating the next rules. For this reason, excluded from storage rule type in our example needs to be first on the list.

You can preview created rules on the list ws-demo-k8s-demo-rule-preview.png

At this point, logs containing keyword ‘_healthz' will not be sent do Dynatrace cluster.

Congratulations :) You have created your first log storage configuration rule. In a moment the rule will be propagated to OneAgents and you'll be able to explore logs collected by OneAgent.

In the Dynatrace menu go to Observe and explore > Logs to check the effects.

The frequent use case is masking credit card numbers. In the log viewer, we can observe that logs contain strings like this one ‘credit_card_number":"4432-8015-6152-0454' and we want to anonymise it by replacing it with a string.

In the Dynatrace menu go to Settings > Log Monitoring > Sensitive data masking.


After around 3 minutes you will see the effects of masking in log viewer. In the following example image, you can see a moment when sensitive data started to be masked.


Reference materials

In this introduction you will learn more about why do we process logs.

Why do we need attributes from logs?

Information can be logged in a very wide variety of formats depending on the application or process, operating system or other factors. Extracting attributes from logs bring meaning to data and helps with troubleshooting, analysis and allows for automation.

Example use cases enabled by log processing:

Introduction to Log processing

In the Dynatrace menu, go to Settings > Log Monitoring > Log processing to view log processing rules that are in effect, reorder the existing rules, and create new rules. Rules are executed in the order in which they're listed, from top to bottom. This order is critical because a preceding rule may impact the log data that a subsequent rule uses in its definition.

Log processing settings

Example of attributes extraction from payment-service

In this lab you will use an onlineshop as sample application. Onlineshop runs a payment-service which writes logs in JSON format.

  "severity": "info",
  "time": 1661408972959,
  "pid": 1,
  "hostname": "paymentservice-7dd8c8d7bf-892rf",
  "name": "paymentservice-charge",
  "message": "Transaction processed: visa ending 0454     Amount: CAD111.1114552",
  "v": 1

For us it's important to:

To achieve it we need to write a Processer rule definition that

USING(INOUT content) | 
PARSE(content, "JSON{STRING:message}(flat=true)") | 
FIELDS_ADD(message: REPLACE_PATTERN(message, "'ending ' INT", "ending ****")) |
PARSE(message, "'Transaction processed: ' NSPACE:card_processor ' ending ****' BLANK* 'Amount: ' UPPER:currency DOUBLE:amount") | 
FIELDS_ADD(content: message) | 

As a result of processing your log event is enriched with extracted attributes. You can see the output of processing in log viewer.

Log processing settings

What comes next?

In the next labs you will learn how to:

In this lab you will extract attribute from log and use it as filter in log viewer.

Before you start

Make sure that you have logs from = 'frontend-*' available in Log Viewer. If not configure storage under Settings > Log Monitoring > Log sources and storage

Log processing settings

Configure log processing to extract attributes

Difficult to start? Check the example from previous section, and Reference materials at the end of this section.

Matcher conifguration and sample

Matcher conifguration and sample

Matcher conifguration and sample

Configure log custom attribute for filtering

Custom attributes configuration

Custom attribue as filter

Usage of attributes

Reference materials

In this lab you will create metric from logs to monitor average times for loading product details in an onlineshop.

Extract shop.product.time_took_ms attribute from log event

Create metric

Metric creation flow

Visualize metric data

Metric visualizition

Reference materials

In this lab you will use logs, metrics and events all combined to report Problems.

Before you start

Run a few request to your onlineboutique instance with uri /product/OLD. This will generate errors in logs. Check in Log Viewer that errors are ingested. You can filter by shop.product attribute you created before.

Error logs examples

Extract status code and set log status to error

Error logs examples

Configure Davis events from logs

Event configuration details

Event properties configuration

Event properties configuration

Using thresholds for anomaly detection

You can also use Custom events for alerting if you want to report a Problem depending on the thresholds. It will require you to create Log metric before.

Reference materials

We configured storage to ingest logs from our onlineshop and processed them to add more meaning to data using a simple processing rule, similar to this one:

PARSE(content, "JSON{
) | 
PARSE(http.req.path, "'/product/'STRING:shop.product") |
  shop.product.time_took_ms: http.resp.took_ms,
  http.status_code: http.resp.status
) |
  status: IF (http.status_code >= 500, 'ERROR', 'INFO'),
  loglevel: IF (http.status_code >= 500, 'ERROR', 'DEBUG')

You have learned how to:

Everything that you learned today will work on both Dynatrace Managed and Dynatrace SaaS with Log powered by Grail.

You need help or have feedback?